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Hypnosis is a proven, scientifically-recognized method to empower your conscious and subconscious to eliminate obstacles and achieve positive change.
If you've ever been unsure about “Hypnosis”, you can set your mind at ease by getting the facts here.
We all want more out of life. And we all have goals and aspirations. Yet for many of us, they often seem impossible or are just too slow to materialize. No wonder we often get frustrated and stressed out.
At Stress Less Live Well ™, we help you overcome obstacles and speed up the process of change. We do this together, by leveraging the enormous power of your subconscious mind, to ensure you enjoy more of what life has to offer, much sooner!

My personal message to you
We are all in a perpetual state of evolution, a genuine work in progress. And my passion is to help you discover more of your inner resources and get more out of life. We can accomplish this together by speeding up your process of change.
My specialized training is in leveraging the power of your subconscious mind, to save you both time and effort in achieving your life goals, whatever they may be.
And how am I able to do this? I do this as a highly trained and experienced Professional Hypnotherapist (certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists) specializing in Personal Development Hypnosis (P.D.H.).
My proven methods are:
• Therapeutic Hypnosis
• Neurologically-Guided Visualization
• NLP (Neuro-Linguistic-Programming)
• And much more
So, if you are looking for rapid, effective, and lasting change, I can help.
Mike Proulx
Certified Hypnotherapist
Below is a list of issues we
can assist you to resolve:
*** For more info, click on the red colored text.***
Want to explore the possibilities with Mike?
It's free, so click here.
So, now, what areas of your life are you looking to overcome, improve, or achieve?
Your life issues can be either significantly improved or fully resolved with our custom-tailored hypnotherapy sessions.
Just imagine the possibilities!

And what's the most important one?
The following exercise can help you with this. Get a sheet of paper and answer the following questions:
What is my primary challenge/goal?
What is the ideal outcome that I am looking for?
When I achieve this, how will it impact my life?
(Happiness? Health? Relationships?
Home? Work? Finances?)
Imagine that you've finally broken through and achieved this challenge or goal and it's very real right now!
That's right! Make believe! Go ahead - just pretend that the impact above is real! You can do it! Daydream a little! You've done it! You've made it happen! Jump right into this imagined reality. It's HUGE!
So, what feelings come up? Do you feel relief? Joy? A deep sense of accomplishment? A renewed sense of optimism?
Because seeing, feeling, hearing your vision of what you want is your starting point. So, again, ask yourself, how will achieving this outcome impact your life. (Happiness? Health? Relationships? Home? Work? Finances?).
It's about time, wouldn't you say?
You aren't alone, if for weeks, months, perhaps even years or decades, you've been struggling with an issue. But isn't it high time for you to move forward and experience a breakthrough?
But in order for real change to happen, you'll have to be willing to go beyond your usual efforts and methods and try something completely new. So, take the initiative to explore these powerful breakthrough methods, including Hypnosis!
New to hypnosis?
You're in good company!
It's no wonder if you, like many people, are unsure about Hypnosis. You’ll be relieved to know that this is usually based on misinformation about Hypnosis in the media.
Getting a fuller understanding of these powerful change methods will make any previous hesitancies just fade away!
Empower yourself with facts!
The key to feeling comfortable, confident, and excited about what hypnosis can do for you is to take the time you need to gather all the facts.
Exploring this entire website will inspire you to move forward with confidence and positive expectation.
Start your fact-finding here:
We've helped people
from all walks of life!
Over the past 13+ years, Hypnotherapist Mike Proulx has helped many hundreds of individuals from all walks of life to accelerate positive changes in their lives.
Mike has helped corporate executives, athletes, artists, carpenters, salespeople, entrepreneurs, students, teachers, stay-at-home moms, politicians, doctors, office clerks, and everyone in between. You'll be in good company.
Our 3-Session Program Explained

“When I called to inquire, Mike appeared very knowledgeable and was disarmingly friendly. He listened intently to my needs and concerns and asked a lot of really good questions. It was a very comfortable and uplifting call. I just knew I could work with him.” The above is a composite response to our in-house questionnaire “Why did you choose Mike Proulx for hypnosis services?”
Ready to Schedule
your First Session?
Have questions?
Want to chat?
Give Mike a call!
It's FREE!
(613) 317-1193
(Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
If you get voice mail, it likely means that Mike is with a client, or on the phone returning calls. So please leave a message, and your call will be returned just as soon as he is available.
Hypnosis sessions are available
online, by phone or in-person.
Online & Phone sessions are proven to work equally effective as in-person sessions. To see how, click here
The Definition of Insanity
"Doing the same things over and over again,
while expecting a different result"
"Human beings are works in progress that
[often] mistakenly think they're finished."
Dan Gilbert, Harvard Psychologist.
Website design: This website (under construction) is designed by Mike Proulx, Professional Hypnotherapist and amateur web developer. Let the quality of the information be your primary focus - over looks. As the old saying goes, never judge a book by its cover. Just like people, it’s what’s on the inside that counts! :)
Copyright © 2022 Mike Proulx. All rights reserved.