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Fitness Motivation

Using hypnosis to boost motivation to exercise daily can be an effective approach, supported by scientific studies. Here are 10 compelling reasons to consider it:

Increased Commitment: Hypnosis can enhance commitment to daily exercise routines, making it easier to stay motivated. A study in the Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (Beauchamp et al., 2012) discusses the impact of motivation on exercise commitment.

Consistency in Exercise: Hypnosis can help individuals maintain a consistent exercise schedule by reinforcing the motivation to work out regularly. A study in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine (Karageorghis et al., 2011) discusses the role of motivation in exercise consistency.

Stress Reduction: Hypnosis can reduce stress and anxiety, which can interfere with exercise motivation. Research in the journal Psychological Bulletin (Kirsch et al., 1995) highlights the stress-reduction benefits of hypnotherapy.

Enhanced Goal Setting: Hypnosis can improve goal-setting abilities and motivation, helping individuals set and achieve their fitness goals with greater motivation. A study in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (Luszczynska et al., 2013) explores the impact of goal setting on exercise.

Improved Self-Control: Hypnosis can enhance self-control and discipline when it comes to adhering to an exercise regimen. A study in the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis (Montgomery, 2017) discusses the role of hypnotherapy in improving self-control.

Overcoming Exercise Barriers: Hypnosis can help individuals overcome barriers and challenges that may deter them from exercising, such as lack of time or motivation. A study in the Journal of Health Psychology (Williams et al., 2006) explores strategies for overcoming barriers to exercise.

Positive Reinforcement: Hypnosis can reinforce positive beliefs and attitudes toward exercise, promoting motivation to maintain a regular workout routine.

Improved Enjoyment: Hypnosis can enhance the enjoyment of exercise, making it more appealing and encouraging consistent participation. A study in the Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (Teixeira et al., 2012) discusses the role of enjoyment in exercise adherence.

Increased Overall Well-Being: By boosting motivation to exercise daily, individuals can experience an overall improved sense of well-being, contributing to a healthier and happier life.

Long-Term Success: Hypnosis can lead to sustained motivation for daily exercise, helping individuals maintain a healthy and active lifestyle for the long term.

In conclusion, hypnosis offers a scientifically supported and compelling approach to boosting motivation to exercise daily by addressing commitment, consistency, stress reduction, goal setting, self-control, overcoming barriers, positive reinforcement, enjoyment, overall well-being, and long-term success. Scientific studies support its effectiveness in achieving these goals and promoting motivation for daily exercise.

Our 3-Session Program Explained
Mike Proulx, P.D.H. 
Personal Development Hypnotherapist
Since 2008

 *** 613-317-1193 ***
Mike uses only the most advanced forms of hypnosis. All sessions are custom-tailored to your specific needs. For details on the advanced methods used and why it matters...
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“When I called to inquire, Mike appeared very knowledgeable and was disarmingly friendly. He listened intently to my needs and concerns and asked a lot of really good questions. It was a very comfortable and uplifting call. I just knew I could work with him.” The above is a composite response to our in-house questionnaire “Why did you choose Mike Proulx for hypnosis services?”

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