Affirmations Voice Only
The following recording is your voice only. It is formulated to play in the background while you do other things—loud enough to hear the words, low enough not to be disturbed by it. By ignoring it, by not paying attention to it, the affirmations go directly into your subconscious without any conscious interference. You can listen to this while driving, working in your business, going for walks, etc. 
Time: 34 minutes
Below is an MP3 player. You can play directly on your desktop or device. ****Each recording is set at a different volume. Please test and adjust the volume before starting your entire session. Thank you. :)

Craig Daily Affirmations Loop.mp3

Below is the audio file that you can download to your computer or device. Instructions: Right click on the red link and choose "save as". 
Craig Daily Affirmations Loop.mp3 Craig Daily Affirmations Loop.mp3
Size : 47962.652 Kb
Type : mp3
Affirmations Hypnosis
The following recording is Hypnosis. It's your voice with background music to induce deep trance (Theta Brainwaves). Your eyes must be closed at all times. Always practice deep breathing before doing your hypnosis session. 
Time: 37 minutes.
Below is an MP3 player. You can play directly on your desktop or device. ****Each recording is set at a different volume. Please test and adjust the volume before starting your entire session. Thank you. :)

Craig Affirmations Hypnosis.mp3

Below is the audio file that you can download to your computer or device. Instructions: Right click on the red link and choose "save as". 
Craig Affirmations Hypnosis.mp3 Craig Affirmations Hypnosis.mp3
Size : 52336.53 Kb
Type : mp3