Anne Milne
Subconscious Programming.
This audio is meant for your subconscious mind only. It is for you to play in the background while you are busy focusing on other things. By ignoring it (not paying any attention to it), the affirmations enter your subconscious mind with no conscious resistance. 

The moment you focus your attention on the words spoken, you are doing so consciously, and the affirmations DO NOT enter your subconscious mind. Paying attention to the words you hear causes resistance. If you catch yourself paying attention to the words, STOP! Focus on something else while the recording is playing.

Volume setting: Make sure you set the volume as low as possible where you can still make out the words spoken. The objective is to just barely make out the words you hear while you are FOCUSED on other things such as: walking the dog, reading, exercising, driving, cooking, house cleaning, etc..

The recording is 21 minutes long. If you plan to listen to it for longer periods (recommended), set up your device to "loop" the audio. Doing so will replay the same audio over and over until you change the settings.

Expectations: The more often you listen to this audio, the more your reticular activating system in your brain will recognize it as important. The more important it becomes in your mind, the greater the belief that it is true. You are changing what you believe about yourself. Once a belief takes root, you are well on your way to being the new you that you set out to be, and eventually, it will become a permanent part of your personality. 

 You can play the audio from your computer or device by using the MP3 player below.

Positive Self Talk - 21minutes.mp3

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 You can download the audio to your computer or device by right clicking the link below and choosing where you want to save it. 
Positive Self Talk - 21minutes.mp3 Positive Self Talk - 21minutes.mp3
Size : 29585.51 Kb
Type : mp3

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